Interview with Voyage Miami Magazine

Interview with Voyage Miami Magazine - JOY'S Custom Sneakers

Life & Work with Joy Perez of Miami

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Today we’d like to introduce you to Joy Perez. Hi Joy, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.

As a family of immigrants, starting our own business was the realization of a lifelong dream. We’ve always been passionate about painting and fashion, and even though we had no experience running a business, we felt a pull to bring those passions together. When the pandemic hit, and everything felt so uncertain, we decided to take a leap. We put our savings on the line, even though we had no guarantees, but we trusted our vision and had faith that it would work out. It wasn’t easy, especially in such a chaotic time, but we believed in what we were doing, and that belief helped us push through the unknowns. We knew we didn’t have all the answers, but our love for creating something unique kept us going.

Even though we started with just a few orders, we stayed focused on delivering quality, which led to word-of-mouth recommendations among our customers. Today, we’re proud to collaborate with artists and major brands. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support and love of our incredible customers. Every order we receive is a reminder of the trust they place in us, and we are grateful for the opportunity to create something special and unique for each of them.

The true reward comes from the personal connections we’ve forged with our customers. Hearing someone say, “Thank you for making my daughter’s day so special. She struggles with a certain condition, and these sneakers have brought her so much joy,” or receiving a wedding photo where the couple is proudly wearing the shoes we designed for them, is priceless. Whether it’s a father surprising his son with our shoes at graduation. For us, it’s more than just making shoes; it’s about adding a little extra joy and meaning to people’s lives through what we do.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?

Throughout this journey, we’ve learned so much. We’ve gained experience, corrected mistakes, and are always looking for ways to improve. Our customers’ creativity and passion have been a constant source of inspiration, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see how many people we’ve made happy with our custom designs. Though it has been stressful, it’s also been fun. This business is our “baby,” and we’ve poured our time, energy, and even our health into keeping it running. The satisfaction of knowing that we’re responsible for our own success or failure is priceless, and it’s what keeps us going.

Every time we hit a milestone, we set two or three bigger goals to stay motivated, keep innovating, and tackle challenges more effectively. We understand that in this industry, fashion trends are constantly changing, and sometimes what we think will be a hit doesn’t pan out. That’s why it’s crucial to listen carefully to our clients, understanding what they’re looking for and what they value. Many people are willing to spend their hard-earned money, and our job is to be the solution to their needs.

One of our biggest challenges has been time. With a small team, balancing business and personal life gets tricky. Some days, it feels like we’re juggling chainsaws—business in one hand, personal life in the other—hoping not to drop either. Meanwhile, vacations? We’ve heard of them, but we’re pretty sure they’re just a myth at this point!. The demands are endless: from customer service and production to handling orders, deliveries, market analysis, competitors, trends, laws, social media, marketing, budgeting, and accounting. Having a clear mind is essential for evaluating our work and planning for the future, but honestly, finding that free time can be challenging.

It’s also important not to get stuck. Sometimes, we fall in love with a design that doesn’t resonate as much as we thought it would. We question everything, whether it’s the photos, the keywords, or the marketing strategy, but sometimes it’s just how the market responds. The key is to stick with what works, innovate within limits, and continually test and refine. The market will scream at you what works and what doesn’t.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?

My name is Joy Perez, I’m the Co-Founder and artist of Joy’s, an online custom sneakers shop based in Miami, FL

Our work is all about creating custom sneakers that are more than just shoes, they’re a way for people to express who they are. What keeps us moving forward is our dedication to the craft and the joy of bringing our customers’ visions to life. We prioritize creativity and attention to detail, ensuring that each pair of sneakers we create is not only unique but also meaningful. Our approach is to make every design a personal experience, turning ideas into something tangible that our customers can truly connect with. What makes us most proud are the pictures our customers send: kids wearing their custom sneakers on the first day of school, couples at their weddings, or teams celebrating promotions. We’ve also fulfilled personal requests, like painting a beloved pet on shoes as a keepsake. We’re honored that people trust us with such meaningful moments in their lives and to create something special to commemorate them.

Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?

1-To stay humble, and maintain strong faith and conviction in what you do. You begin to realize that you’re never as great as you believe when things are going well, nor as bad as you think when they fall apart. Stay grounded through the highs and lows. Success isn’t a straight line; it’s the ability to adapt to challenges with perseverance that separates those who fail, those who make progress but give up, and those who ultimately achieve their goals.

2-Customers are your greatest asset, no matter how skilled you are. Exceptional customer service must always be a priority. Especially in today’s world, where instant gratification is the norm and packages arrive at your door with a single click, small businesses must rise to meet these high expectations. You have to take care of your clients, understand their needs, and remember that they are placing their trust in you. We strive to keep our interactions personal and genuine. Instead of automated responses, we prioritize real connections. People today want to know they’re interacting with a real person who understands and feels their needs. People buy from people, and they can sense when someone is being disingenuous. That’s why it’s essential to stay authentic and human in your approach.

3-Above all, do what you love. You may not be an expert when you start, and perhaps you’ll never be one, but if you genuinely love what you do, quitting won’t be an option. Passion drives you to keep learning, improving, and breaking free from monotony. Ultimately, it will bring out the best in you as you journey toward success.